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The meaning and purpose behind Professional Wedding Videography


Wedding Videography is a highly specialized and labor intensive form of shooting. For TSHVIDEO, my wedding videography goals are twofold. First is to create an heirloom quality video that the bride and groom will treasure for years to come, and second to capture the essence of the day in the most complete and artistic way possible. This is the point where art, technique and planning converge. When I shoot a wedding, I strive to capture those moments that compel you along with video that moves you. Take Frank and Ashley's wedding for example, their's was a very intimate kind of wedding with a small guest list in a world class venue. To capture this, I had to be sharp and constantly assess and re-calculate the best camera positions for not only following the action (as it unfolded in front of my lens), but to also shoot with the best scenery in mind. This was a photo-journalistic approach, which is what they specifically wanted.

The venue was Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs, Colorado in late May facing west against a late afternoon sun. From an aesthetic standpoint, the location was absolutely spectacular, from a videography standpoint, the location poised some major challenges. Sun glare and lens flare were the biggest issues, but my Chrosziel Eyebrow (aka., sunshade) fit the bill nicely. Crafting a great wedding video, takes skill, patience, ability and planning. From the wireless microphone, to the lighting at the reception, wedding videography is one of the most challenging, but rewarding, forms of shooting you can do. And this is what I love to do.

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